Membership Benefits
Some of the benefits to being a member of the River City Classics & Eamon's Garage Historical Society are:
Access to a Venue
Our Society provides a great venue for an interchange of people who share the same ideas, aspirations, and aims relative to historic automobiles and automobilia. This is an excellent place for members to learn from each other and to exchange helpful insights, ideas and knowledge on restoration, maintenance, skills, access to parts and tools for cars and trucks.
We are a great place to socialize! It allows for members from different areas of life to meet up and share a passion with other avid enthusiasts. If you’re new to our community, our Society is a great way to meet new friends and even colleagues who you may form a life-long friendship with.
A Place to Learn
If you’re interest is in vintage vehicles, their history, the history of service stations and how they operated or in the Eamon's Tourist Centre this is a great place to learn. We have a library of books, documents, manuals and pictures for members as a resource.
Charitable Events
Another aspect of our organization is philanthropy, and our members give back to the community in a unique way. We raise funds through donations, raffles, car shows and events for our museum and to benefit our community. Portions of our proceeds are donated to local charities, where we hope to make a difference in both big and small ways.